Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Home from King's Domain

As they say, all good things must come to an end. How could Summer Project be any different? I have been home since Saturday and I'm still trying to adjust to life away from camp and all of the amazing people whom I have lived with for the past six weeks.

For many reasons, Week 6 proved to be a challenge, but God brought me through it. I have been learning lately that as difficult as things are in life sometimes, we weren't created for this world. We are eternal beings and so it doesn't make sense that we were only purposed to live here on earth and then just exist for eternity with no purpose. As Wendell Deyo, King's Domain President, told us, "we are not human beings on a spiritual adventure. We are spiritual beings on a human adventure."

Since I've been home, I went to 707 Sunday night. It was AWESOME. They had a drum circle for worship, which I was a little skeptical of beforehand, but the worship was amazing! Check it out here.

I head back to school on Monday to what will be a very trying time, but at times God has given me an unsurpassed peace in knowing that He is at work and that when everything is resolved I'm going to be really transformed. I'm excited!

One last thing: for the love of music, buy David Crowder Band's Remedy Club Tour CD/DVD. It's terrific.

That is all.

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