Thursday, March 20, 2008


I was reading this recently and it really struck me. It's such a cry for help- a clear dependence on God. I was thinking about who foes in my life might be from whom I need protection. It struck me that I am my biggest foe. I've heard it before that "we all need to be saved from ourselves," but I never really contemplated that. Seriously though, how much of the crap we go through in life is completely unrelated to our own actions. Certainly there are situations that are simply out of our control, but in my life some of the most stressful times I have experienced have been a direct result of my stupidity. In all cases, we've got to humble ourselves and re-submit our lives to God, our Father, our Refuge and our Strong Tower against the foe- whoever or whatever that may be.

1 comment:

Alexander Dolin said...

amen, we are our own worst enemies most of the time! Great observation