Monday, February 8, 2010

Calling all moms

You may be familiar with the Motrin Moms campaign. It drew a lot of negative attention and criticism toward Motrin, mainly from, well, moms. We talked about it in my PR class today.

As far as I know, there are about two moms who read this blog. Maybe I will be surprised with more. I'm curious, moms- what do you think about this ad? Would love to hear your comments.


WSpence said...

hi Ty! Remember how we met on xanga and became friends, but haven't talked in forever? ;) haha

I dont know much about this whole motrin subject, but I think I will look into it.

Hope you are well!

Brenda Haman said...

Well, Ty, I am an "older" mom, and it's been twenty years since I carried a baby around, but I loved carrying a baby, however I did it. I did not care for this ad. The woman talking seemed like a cold and selfish mother, more concerned about a little pain than bonding with her "kid" (I prefer the word child, too, not kid). I can certainly understand why real moms would take offense to this ad. There you two cents.

Unknown said...

I loved carrying you and Kase...I'd do it still if you weren't giants! It is ironic that baby carriers were invented to make life better (hands free) for mom while keeping baby close and now we complain about the muscle aches. Being the parent of an infant IS a time of selfless privilege. Enjoy your baby, take the motrin and stop whining! Love, Mom

Unknown said...

More thoughts from Mom...
I think good moms will always struggle with cloth/disposable diapers, nursing/bottles, cereal at 3 mos./6 mos., and even carriers/seats. This ad is a reflection of the struggle. I wonder if it appeals more to tired younger moms than to older moms who know how fast the muscle aches disappear? Wish I could hear your class discussion! More love, Mom

Unknown said...

Seems like a sort of strange ad in the first place. Strange and sort of selfish. Interesting that they've gotten a lot of flack for it.